Month: May 2022

Cooking in Literacy Class

This week for literacy class, two groups did some baking. The Ernest Rutherford group made Anzac Biscuits and you can find the recipe here. The Sir Apirana Ngata group made super moist cupcakes and you can find the recipe here. They baked and shared their goodies with the rest of the class. It was a lovely treat for everyone! This was part of their instructional reading tasks.


We also have two members in our literacy class. Their names are: Mr Fraser Bear and Lexon Lion. Some learners in our literacy class have already taken them home and written about their adventures with them. Here is Penina, Ethan and Raisha with our new class friends.

Across our Maunga team we have started “Inquiry” rotations. This week Room 17 came to Miss Lavakula to learn about “Farming” and the impact it has on our environment. It was lots of fun!

Another busy week in our Akomanga

We’ve had another busy week in Room 18 and we’ve had lots of people away sick too!

One of the tasks we completed was to design our classroom gutter-board. Thanks to Cassie and Ethan for painting it for us.







On Wednesday afternoon we had a very special guest come and speak to us. It was part of the “Pass it Forward” assembly. Mile Naime on behalf of the Tania Dalton Foundation spoke to us about her sporting achievements. At only 20 years old and from the Manurewa community, she chose our school to donate some new rugby and netball balls to. Mile Naime is a hammer throw champion and is also a New Zealand representative. She places in the top 5 female New Zealand throwers.

Today we had our Maunga team assembly and here are a few pictures of the amazing tamariki who achieved in Mathletics and our Duffy “Caught Being Good” certificates. Well done to everyone who got a certificate. It’s also “Pink Shirt Day” in recognition of Anti-Bullying. Have a wonderful weekend from our class to yours!

Day in the Maara (Garden)

We’ve been busy this week learning: NZSL (alphabet, days of the week, how to ask: what’s your name and the months of the year). Our class were also fortunate enough to have Whaea Deidre (our Environ kaiako/ teacher) take us for a whole day in the school garden (Maara – pronounced Mah-ah-rah). In the first session we learned about our new rubbish system. We have three bins: one for paper, plastic and landfill. Our goal is to try and decrease what we send to the landfill. Our class also spent a lot of time in the garden learning about the animals we have (pigs and chickens) and some of us fed them and collected eggs from the chickens, find plants using pictures and we also dug out soil in the box and turned it over using shovels. Some of us found some interesting objects in the soil like toy dinosaurs. In the afternoon, we harvested kale, chives and radish and all of us helped to make a frittata. Here’s our video of our day in the garden and we hope you enjoy!

Welcome back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2! Our children have just finished a two week holiday and today was the end of Week one. We are very busy this term and there is lots going on. This week have learned about “Road Safety”. The theme is “Be a Road Safety Hero”. We’ve also learned some New Zealand Sign Language. It’s NZSL next week. So far we can spell our names using the NZSL alphabet. We’ll be spending some time in our school maara next week with Whaea Deidre.  Lots going on! Here are some photos from this week and the things we have been up to: in maths we have been learning about “Length” and measurement and today we had a yellow theme dress up day to raise money for “Brake“. We’ve had so much fun this week, we hope you have too!