Day: May 27, 2022

Cooking in Literacy Class

This week for literacy class, two groups did some baking. The Ernest Rutherford group made Anzac Biscuits and you can find the recipe here. The Sir Apirana Ngata group made super moist cupcakes and you can find the recipe here. They baked and shared their goodies with the rest of the class. It was a lovely treat for everyone! This was part of their instructional reading tasks.


We also have two members in our literacy class. Their names are: Mr Fraser Bear and Lexon Lion. Some learners in our literacy class have already taken them home and written about their adventures with them. Here is Penina, Ethan and Raisha with our new class friends.

Across our Maunga team we have started “Inquiry” rotations. This week Room 17 came to Miss Lavakula to learn about “Farming” and the impact it has on our environment. It was lots of fun!