Final School Day of 2022

We’ve made it!! It’s our last day of school for 2022! It’s been a crazy few weeks (with prizegiving, reports, outings for leaders and Christmas activities) leading up to this point but we’ve all persevered and made it to the end of the school year.

Room 18 and I would just like to thank everyone who has visited our “class and individual blogs” and left comments for us to read. We’ve enjoyed visiting other class blogs and seeing what everyone has been learning. Special shout out to Mrs Krausse our Manaiakalani In Class Support facilitator. We’ve learned so much from you! Thank you!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday and see you all in the New Year 2023. Here’s a short snippet of our final assembly saying farewell to our Year 6 children and a pic of the Room 18 Special Six class awards.

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