Niue Language Week

Fakalofa lahi atu! It was Niue Language Week and this year’s theme for Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week is Fakatūleva e Vagahau Niue mo e Tau Aga Fakamotu ma e Tau Atuhau, which means – Sustain Niue Language and Culture for Future Generations.

Here’s what our school did to celebrate. We had daily announcements over the public address system (loud speaker) and sang the National anthem. You can see everything here on our Niue Language Week site created by Miss Lavakula who is also of Niue descent. Each team had to practice a Niue item to share at our closing assembly on Friday. Thank you to Mrs Andrea Tele’a and Mrs Sandy Langitupu who both shared their sites with resources too. This is the Rangi team practising our item ‘Papa teliga e’ to share on Friday assembly. You can find the link to the song here.

On Wednesday, some of our Niue students went to watch the speech competition for primary children at Favona Primary School. We’re very thankful to Lyn Lolokini Pavihi and Mack Ikitule who organised the day. We learned a lot by being there and hope that next year, we’ll have some children who would like to participate.

On Friday afternoon we had our whole school sharing assembly. A big thank you to all our leadership for allowing us to share, the staff for supporting the language week by getting their children to share. A big fakaaue lahi to all our parents and families who also support their children too. The winners from our challenges were announced. We had children design a Niue Toa (warrior), create a Foufou (flower head piece) and children speaking in Niue. Please find some examples from challenges and the assembly below.

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