Category: Ako | Learn

Athletics Day at Weymouth

Today we had whole school Athletics day and it was so much fun!! In the morning we had rotations for different stations. Our class buddied up with Room 15 (Year 6s) and together we played games like: gumboot throw, javelin throw, target throwing games and so much more. Here are some photos and videos from our fun day!

Tokelau Language Week/ Diwali

This week is Tokelau Language Week. There has been lots of learning going on. We know that Tokelau is in the South Pacific and has three islands that are atolls. The interesting fact is that the capital of Tokelau is dependant on where the Head of State is living at the time. Here is Hedaznee’s poster that she has created.

Here is Ethan’s learning for Diwali that you can check out on his blog. Here is Cassie’s Diwali poster that she made using Google Drawing. We hope you had a wonderful week too!




Niue Language Week

Fakalofa lahi atu ki a mutolu oti. Ko e faahi tapu nei, ko e faahi tapu he Vagahau Niue. Hello everyone, this week is Niue Language Week. This year’s theme for Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week is – Fakatūleva e Vagahau Niue mo e Tau Aga Fakamotu ma e Tau Atuhau, which means – Sustain Niue Language and Culture for Future Generations. Click here for more information.


We spent the whole week learning more about the beautiful island of Niue. Did you know that Niue means “Behold the Coconut”. In some Pacific Island countries “niu” means “Coconut”. Niue is also known as Niue Nukututaha, an island on it’s own. On Friday, we had our closing assembly. Here are some items from the children in the Pasifika and Maunga team.

Maunga in the Maāra

On Wednesday, the whole Maunga Team (Year 5s) spent the day with Whaea Deirde and some of the angles (teacher aides). Each class had different activities: painting in the garden, weeding and planting, feeding the animals, games under the sunshade, baking leek and egg pie and eating it. We were very fortunate to have beautiful weather too. Thank you Whaea Deirde, Matua Jim and the awesome angels for an exciting and wonderful day. Here are some pictures.

Last week was Te Wiki o te reo Māori and this week some of the children and classes were awarded prizes for the challenges. Here is Hedaznee with her prize. She created a poster for a Whakatauki. Tū meke Hedaznee!

Te Wiki ō te reo Māori

Ko tenei te wiki ō te reo Māori. This week is Māori Language Week. On Rāhina (Monday) we had our opening ceremony and we were very fortunate to have Waimahia Intermediate kapa haka rōpu come and perform for us. Here is a short snippet here:

On Rāhoroi (Wednesday) to mark 50 years of the Māori language petition that was presented to parliament in 1972, we had a whole school poi celebration. Every child in the school had a poi that was the same colour as their house, gathered under the sunshade for assembly at 12pm. We sang and performed “E rere taku poi”. Here is a short snippet of our event here:

Today was our final closing assembly to Te Wiki ō te reo Māori. Our Kapa Haka roopu that has learners from Y1-6 performed. We had lots of items from other classes and teams too. Here is kapa haka roopu and Maunga team haka.


Tongan Language Week

This week is Tongan Language Week – Lea Faka-Tonga. The theme is: Ke Tu’uloa ‘a e lea faka-Tonga ‘i Aōtearoa which means “Sustaining the Tongan Language Week” in Aōtearoa.

Here at Weymouth Primary School, we celebrate all languages and cultures. We know how important sustaining our languages is for future generations to come. Our children got to dress up in their cultural attire all week and we had our closing assembly on Friday. Here are a few videos of what we did to celebrate and close our Lea Faka-Tonga.



Pasifika performs in Pukekohe

Our Pasifika group were invited to perform for the opening of a Secondary Schools rugby tournament on Wednesday at the Pukekohe Rugby Club which is also home to the Counties Manukau Rugby teams. Whaea Mosman and Miss Lila are their tutors and have worked really hard to teach our learners items for this day. They changed into their costumes, travelled by bus and performed in front of a large audience. As well as praises and cheers from the crowd, they were treated to a delicious icecream. Well done to everyone who participated and to everyone who helped transport and supervise our group. Here is a short snippet from the day.

Rehu Tai

At the beginning of the term the Lavakula Literacy class had to write speeches. This was an opportunity for learners to participate in Rehu Tai (a Manurewa Schools Speech Competition). However, Rehu Tai also included: Rap, Flash Talk and Spoken Word. The topic had to do with: Discover. It has been a long process and some students didn’t have enough time to finish and practice their speeches before the deadline. But we feel it’s a good opportunity to share our speeches with others and think about how we can improve them for next time. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Raisha who participated in the Year 5 and 6 speech competition and placed Second overall. Tino pai tō mahi Raisha!! Here’s a short video of Ethan sharing in front of the Maunga (Year 5) team too.

Working Hard

It’s been a long week filled with lots of rain! That meant that our Cross Country event which was meant to be today was canceled due to the rain. However, we still managed to get outside and practice netball skills like passing and catching. Here is a snippet of us having fun!

There was also a Y4-6 Netball Manurewa Primary Schools Tournament on Monday. Here is a picture of the Year 6 girls that went to compete. They did really well, tried their best and had lots of fun!


Lavakula Literacy class have been busy learning with Mrs Krausse. Today they were learning about how to respond to someone if they are mean online.

Kia Orana! It’s Cook Island Language Week

Kia orana koutou katoatoa! It has been a busy week for school as we celebrate another of our Pacific Island Languages. All week, some children came dressed in their Cook Island attire: pāreu, ei katu, tie dye dresses and shirts. Each morning a group of seniors lead the whole school in a prayer and we sang the Cook Island National Anthem. Then they taught us some words like: days of the week, colours, numbers and other everyday words.

Here are some of the Art children (Whetu used coloured paper and glue and Viliami used Google Draw and shapes) in Room 18 created for Cook Island Language Week.

A team of teachers and our Pasifika group organised our closing assembly on Friday. Here is a short snippet of some of the items that they performed. We also found out which children won certificates for their entries in Cook Island literacy, art, dance and myths and legends. Our school had so much fun celebrating Cook Island Language Week and we hope you did too! Meitaki!