Tag: Maori

Mānawatia a Matariki

Such a significant week with Matariki. All week our team (Team Maunga Y5s) had been practicing a waiata (song) to perform and share at our school assembly on Thursday. Thank you Miss Ha’unga who led and helped teacher our tamariki. It’s quite historical, with it being the first time ever, that we are celebrating a National holiday – the first Indigenous holiday in Aōtearoa.

Room 18 learned some waiata, played Kahoot, baked star cookies and had pineapple pie to celebrate. We are also finishing off our Matariki art. This is using wax colouring crayons and once finished, we covered it in black paint. Once dry, the children will scratch in their picture including the Nine Stars of Matariki.

Here are videos of our whole school assembly on Thursday. Our Y1-6 Kapa Haka group and the Team Maunga item. We hope you are all having a wonderful week celebrating Matariki. Mānawatia a Matariki!