Tag: powhiri

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday! As per tradition here at our kura (school), we start the term with a powhiri (welcome). This is to welcome our new students and their families and new staff that started either midway through term one or just this term. Whaea Danielle led the karanga for our kura and Whaea Moana led the karanga for our manuhiri (visitors). Matua Reg led the powhiri and welcomed our visitors. Mr Lloyd responded on behalf of the manuhiri.

We were  also very fortunate to have a member from our local RSA (Returned Services Association) play the Last Post to acknowledge ANZAC day that was just the day before we returned to school. We had a flag raising ceremony during the last post too. Once this part was finished each class walked past a wall in our school dedicated to ANZAC. Here are a few snippets here.

Manurewa Marae

It’s been a busy week. On Tuesday we had learning conversations and school finished at 2pm. Teachers met with parents and their children to discuss their learning goals. It was a wonderful successful evening for all.

On Wednesday our Rangi team (Year 6s) travelled by bus to the Manurewa Marae. It was a wonderful time for us to learn more about the whenua, the community, the awa and the history. Many of us had never been there before. We were welcomed on with a karanga and after the powhiri, ate some morning tea, went out to the park and got to see our maunga (mountain) Matukutureia. Matua Te Kou Orehu told us more about the wharenui, the pou carvings, the tukutuku panels and the history of the marae. Did you know that the marae opened 23 years ago? It was organised and founded by Maori people for the community. Some people even mortgaged their homes to help pay for the marae to be finished. We were very privileged to be told more and for all of us to connect with the marae and the land in our community. Thanks to Matua Te Kou Orehu and the tangata whenua of the marae. Here are some photos and videos of our time there.


Welcome back to 2023

Welcome back to school for 2023. It’s been a busy week! On Tuesday we had our Powhiri to welcome new learners and staff to our kura. Room 18 spent a bit of time in the māra helping to feed the animals and collect eggs from the chickens. Whaea Deirdre and helpers have done an amazing job with the garden. Everyone had so much fun!

On Wednesday we had our first water safety session with coach Shaun from Counties Swim Safe. All the children got to learn some techniques about how to survive if they are in deep water. For example: don’t panic, stay calm and stay afloat. We’re looking forward to the next session!

On Friday we went for a hikoi (walk) to our local beach along Waimai Avenue. The children got to walk along and explore the shoreline. Some children found small crabs, shells, seaweed and other objects. We made sure to leave everything in their habitat. Other children liked to climb trees and play hide and seek.

We hope you all had a wonderful first week back to school. Watch this space for more adventures to be had in Room 18.