Tag: Weymouth Primary School

Maunga in the Maāra

On Wednesday, the whole Maunga Team (Year 5s) spent the day with Whaea Deirde and some of the angles (teacher aides). Each class had different activities: painting in the garden, weeding and planting, feeding the animals, games under the sunshade, baking leek and egg pie and eating it. We were very fortunate to have beautiful weather too. Thank you Whaea Deirde, Matua Jim and the awesome angels for an exciting and wonderful day. Here are some pictures.

Last week was Te Wiki o te reo Māori and this week some of the children and classes were awarded prizes for the challenges. Here is Hedaznee with her prize. She created a poster for a Whakatauki. Tū meke Hedaznee!

Kia Orana! It’s Cook Island Language Week

Kia orana koutou katoatoa! It has been a busy week for school as we celebrate another of our Pacific Island Languages. All week, some children came dressed in their Cook Island attire: pāreu, ei katu, tie dye dresses and shirts. Each morning a group of seniors lead the whole school in a prayer and we sang the Cook Island National Anthem. Then they taught us some words like: days of the week, colours, numbers and other everyday words.

Here are some of the Art children (Whetu used coloured paper and glue and Viliami used Google Draw and shapes) in Room 18 created for Cook Island Language Week.

A team of teachers and our Pasifika group organised our closing assembly on Friday. Here is a short snippet of some of the items that they performed. We also found out which children won certificates for their entries in Cook Island literacy, art, dance and myths and legends. Our school had so much fun celebrating Cook Island Language Week and we hope you did too! Meitaki!

Happy Holidays!

It’s the end of Term 2 and what a busy term it has been!! We’ve been so busy with so many activities and learning that the holidays are exactly what everyone needs.

Here are our Duffy Certificate (Caught Being Awesome) certificate and Mathletics winners across the Maunga Team. We will return back to school on Monday 25 July.

Term Two Duffy Assembly

“Gonna read it, read about it! I’m a Duffy kid and so proud of it!”

At the beginning of every term, each child chooses their 2-3 top choices of books from a catalogue. Then at the end of every term, we have a Duffy Assembly celebration organised by our Duffy Lady Miss Fuapoivaha and team to receive our books! Duffy Assemblies are a big celebration here at Weymouth Primary School to remind children that reading is important and it is heaps of fun! Here is a short snippet of our Duffy Team. If you’d like to learn more about Duffy click on the link here.

We also had our Netball session with Coach Britt from Counties Manukau. We learned lots of different skills to help us with playing. Here is a short clip of what we did.

Mānawatia a Matariki

Such a significant week with Matariki. All week our team (Team Maunga Y5s) had been practicing a waiata (song) to perform and share at our school assembly on Thursday. Thank you Miss Ha’unga who led and helped teacher our tamariki. It’s quite historical, with it being the first time ever, that we are celebrating a National holiday – the first Indigenous holiday in Aōtearoa.

Room 18 learned some waiata, played Kahoot, baked star cookies and had pineapple pie to celebrate. We are also finishing off our Matariki art. This is using wax colouring crayons and once finished, we covered it in black paint. Once dry, the children will scratch in their picture including the Nine Stars of Matariki.

Here are videos of our whole school assembly on Thursday. Our Y1-6 Kapa Haka group and the Team Maunga item. We hope you are all having a wonderful week celebrating Matariki. Mānawatia a Matariki!


Netball in Action

For the last three weeks, we have been learning skills to play netball. We’ve had coaches from Counties Manukau and Sport Auckland come and take our Y5-6 classes for 30 minutes sessions. Some of the skills we have learned so far are the different types of passing (chest, shoulder and bounce), how to plant our feet and not move them and shooting the ball in the hoop. Here are some photos and a short video of us playing on Thursday. Thank you Kaylah for coaching us.

Here are our “Caught Being Awesome” award winners. Congratulations everyone!

Jumping June

For the past four weeks our whole school has been taking part in fundraising money for the Heart Foundation. There are a few children at our school that have congenital heart conditions and have had to have heart surgeries since they were babies. Each child was given a sponsorship booklet and all classes were given a set of black skipping ropes.

Each week leading up to today we have had short practices at skipping and played games too. At lunchtimes, the long skipping ropes were given out to children to practice jumping too.

We’re very lucky to have Mrs Johnson organise this day for us. We had lots planned to do in our houses today but because of the weather we had to accomodate everyone in the hall and under the sun shade at allocated times instead.  Everyone that participated today were given a participation certificate. One child was nominated as the overall winner and were given prizes. Our school raised over $6000!! Jumping June is so much fun!

Samoan Language Week

This week our school have celebrated Samoan Language Week. We had some challenges for the theme “Myths and Legends”. Lots of us were involved in our Year 5 and 6 Pasifika group and our Maunga team learned a song and dance. We sang the Samoan National Anthem every morning alongside our karakia (lotu). We sampled “pai fala” – half moon pineapple pie, did lots of art and ate panikeke from our local Evalina’s shop. Every day this week children and staff got to dress up in Samoan and Pasifika clothing too. Here’s some pictures and a movie of our week and final assembly. We hope you enjoy and have a wonderful long weekend!!

Cooking in Literacy Class

This week for literacy class, two groups did some baking. The Ernest Rutherford group made Anzac Biscuits and you can find the recipe here. The Sir Apirana Ngata group made super moist cupcakes and you can find the recipe here. They baked and shared their goodies with the rest of the class. It was a lovely treat for everyone! This was part of their instructional reading tasks.


We also have two members in our literacy class. Their names are: Mr Fraser Bear and Lexon Lion. Some learners in our literacy class have already taken them home and written about their adventures with them. Here is Penina, Ethan and Raisha with our new class friends.

Across our Maunga team we have started “Inquiry” rotations. This week Room 17 came to Miss Lavakula to learn about “Farming” and the impact it has on our environment. It was lots of fun!

Another busy week in our Akomanga

We’ve had another busy week in Room 18 and we’ve had lots of people away sick too!

One of the tasks we completed was to design our classroom gutter-board. Thanks to Cassie and Ethan for painting it for us.







On Wednesday afternoon we had a very special guest come and speak to us. It was part of the “Pass it Forward” assembly. Mile Naime on behalf of the Tania Dalton Foundation spoke to us about her sporting achievements. At only 20 years old and from the Manurewa community, she chose our school to donate some new rugby and netball balls to. Mile Naime is a hammer throw champion and is also a New Zealand representative. She places in the top 5 female New Zealand throwers.

Today we had our Maunga team assembly and here are a few pictures of the amazing tamariki who achieved in Mathletics and our Duffy “Caught Being Good” certificates. Well done to everyone who got a certificate. It’s also “Pink Shirt Day” in recognition of Anti-Bullying. Have a wonderful weekend from our class to yours!